If I were to give a very short advice to Vichy, Delphine and EuroRSCG, would be: "Understand technology before using it!".
While many people make technical errors when using technology (see this entry on a user asking how to get tipex out of a screen), more important errors are the ones can be made, such as the one described in the case.
This is my first blog, so it is easy for me to put myself in Delphine's shoes. Here is what I would have done to avoid her mistakes:

As I don't know the unspoken rules of this game, and also have no experience in it, to hire and have an experienced blogger on my side will help me to:
b) Have more chances of success as bloggers understand better what is the interest in blogging and what makes a blog a success
Also, although this may undermine the "surprise factor", I would consider contacting the most important french blogger, to send them information on our future campaign, asking them for the advice, and on the sake of transparency. Risk would be minimized as they would give their opinions in advance, and no one could say we have been trying to fool our consumers.

Your profits and risks are different on what strategy you should follow. Different strategies could have been, depending on what they plan to achieve:
a) Make a blog with a fake character (stating it is fake, don't lie, we'll talk about this later). Profit is you are able to talk of your products in first person so that your clients can feel more identified. Risk is that you are trying to get your clients identified with one single personality, something that it is quite difficult (isn't the internet more about niches, and different tastes?)
b) Make a blog with an expert of the product that can state the profits of your products and answer questions. Profit is that you give a more serious/proffessional taste to your blog. Risk is that you lose emotional connection (the writer is not longer a client like you).
c) Get consumers to make your blog, tell their experience (maybe offer prices to participants). Profit is that they will be realistic, and this can be very powerfull if you have satisfied clients. Risk is that you attract angry consumers.
d) A mix of the above. Possibilities are huge.

love it Miguel:-)